Configuring react-d3 into a Rollup Build System
Rollup is a next generation bundling system that I’m using with react. There is a port of the d3 Javascript graphing library called react-d3. As with most cases where you put together a bunch of new technologies, there are configuration…

Building web applications with Rollup + Babel + React
As some of my ReactJs projects have gotten larger I needed to start dividing up my code into multiple files and package them up with some kind of javascript “bundling” tool. I’ve settled at least for now on Rollup. And…

Comparing Uglify and Closure in Babel/Rollup Javascript Build Environment
I’ve been experimenting with creating a build environment for a React project that uses Rollup and Babel. One of the choices you can make is how to minify the generated js. I compare using two methods of compacting: Uglify and…